Srimad Bhagvatam Maha Purana
Beyond grateful to God, our Creator who has no beginning nor any end, Grateful for all the Mahajans, Maha Purushas, to Veda-Vyasa-jee, Suka-Charya-jee, specially Prabhu-Parmatma Him Self-Sri Krishna.
Is mentioned that is great punya- good karma just to be able to listen at Srimad Bhagavatam. Is also said to be very- very grateful before reading de Bhagavatam Maha Puran. Grateful to the Rishis, Yogis, Mahajans, Maha Purushas, our own Gurus, our parents, the land on which we are living, specially Veda Vyasa jee and his son Suka Charya-jee.
Grateful to our own spiritual Gurus, for us Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, His Master Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, and all of the Vedic Masters.
All right, we have accepted to read the Srimad Bhagvad Maha Purana as a Literature.
Gratitude to Gita press, they have this amazing Crest juwel the Srimad Bhagvat Maha Puran
A very big Thank to the translators-in this case:
Srila Prabhupada he translated it in English. And his devotees made it possible so we have it fro free online!
Without his input this was not possible.
Thankful to all who will read together. You-
All bhaktas, pandits, the teachers, everyone all-who kept Bhagavatam Energy up, without all that we would not have Sri Krishna Him self in our hearts.
Let us start:
Just to be part of the Bhagavatam Maha Puran it is said, that we all must have done great punya- Good Karma. All of us who are reading, listing, and all this in this Covid time.
Why should we read Vedic Literature?
This reading is purifying for our soul; our sins, mistakes from many many lives gets dissolves, just by reading. This reading of a mighty Literature like the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Crest Jewel among all the Puranas reminds us the Greatness of SRI HARI. We feel His presence in our hearts and because of that we are reminded of Sat Chit Ananda. With this wholeness in our hearts we are much understanding in a bigger picture towards our family, our relationships, our home & our country.
Reading the Bhagavatam brings good luck and great fortune; Our thinking becomes positief. Reading enhances happiness and a sense of completeness, to hart, mind and a beautiful spiritual path.
Here is a link: Vedische Literaturen in Sanskriet, by Maharishi International University.
The links:
(Copy & paste)
*In the conform of our home, and perhaps a journal for those who like to make some notes.
Set up for the link at home:
Ok-de link/ Website of the whole Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Puran in English:
all the Cantos are up there.
We start from Canto 1.
is always good to read the Dedication, Preface and the Introduction.
And of course Gratitude.
For the those who like to listen
You Tube:
For those who like to listen:
As we all know we should actually to this reading in 7 days- well for those dedicated ones:
An amazing approach of 7 day:
(The reason why in 7 days, is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam it self.)
To listen in Sanskrit Free
Chants are:
or Click:
by P R Iyer.
Grateful to him.
an other- Sanskriet Chants Free:
Mantra Trance
In Sanskrit and beautifully translated in English
Read ONLINE Free:
by C.L. Goswami M.A. Shastri
Published by
Gita Press, Gorakhpur
in case:
In Sanskrit and beautifully translated in Hindi
Read ONLINE Free:
Books(to buy)
The Concise Srimad Bhagavatam
The goal is to expand consciousness and just to do something together.
Again and again gratitude to Veda Vyasa, Suka-jee, Sri Krishna, our parents, our Gurus, the place we live and from where we are reading.
It is good to read early in the morning, after bath and meditation,
one chapter by one chapter.
What ever is comfortable.
When we are feel we can connect by:
our first zoom meet will be:
Thursday 14 Jan. 2021 time: 8:30 AM just beginning with a small prayer.
It is a workday, also Maker Sanskranti, the day on which Pitama Bhishma became one with Parmata. He recited Vishnu-Sahastranama for Sri Krishna- Parmatma Him self.
The zoom link coming later.
Be safe, and have great Ananda with reading.