Ram-Ram, Jai Sri Krishna, Namashkaram,
Warm Welcome,
Day: Every Sunday
Time: 9:00 pm Fairfield Time (CST)
Medium: Zoom-Via FB an a record on YouTube (in case we have missed it.)
Book: Gita Press (English)
Language: English
It will be the same link as before,
8:55 am: Log in- welcome, our Dearest Devala-jee will be there.
9:00 vm Devala-jee starts the reading
We do have a zoom that is not paid, so around 40 mins or so, zoom end -B U T- :) please click back on the same link.
Reading, listening of the Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Puran is very essential when one is on a spiritual path. This book has all the sap of the VEDAS, itihasas, other Puranas, all the darshanas, etc.
This book is called the crest jewel.
Because was written by Veda Vyasa in his highest spiritual maturity. It's clear and spotless.
This Book we are reading as a Vedic Literature- it's not a Katha.
As we are reading, listening, we will understand later...
Goal: To expand consciousness, Dharma, to spread Sat Chit Ananda, to enliven Natural Laws in us, in, myself in you, and therefore in our surroundings.
Chat on zoom/chat: While Devela-jee reads the Srimad Bhagavatam, and perhaps a question pops up, please type it up in the chat box.
We have some knowledgeable learned souls who can answer, and if not we will ask to some Srimad Bhagavatam experts.
Zoom, Youtube, Facebook:
With your support, I believe we are doing well, it's smooth and a sweet flow.
Grateful to each one of you.
App use:
We are using this for updates about the Srimad Bhagavatam,
zoom links and YouTube link.
You are welcome to notify, write, and share about: Srimad Bhagavatam.